Special Discussion on How to Manage Anxiety, Stress & Depression


Event information


2021-10-07 20:20:00


Online Zoom




When we hear the three words anxiety, stress and depression, the only thing that comes to our mind is mental health. During this pandemic we realize how important role mental health plays in our everyday life. There is a saying that with healthy mind comes normal and healthy life. If the mind is in a sound, normal and good condition, we can stay well in all situations of life both mentally and physically. Although we are very conscious about our physical health, we do not contemplate about our mental health. For this reason, many of us suffer from different mental illnesses. Furthermore, it becomes more difficult for parents because they have the responsibility of the whole family. Due to which they cannot pay attention to their mental health. Let’s find out how we can take care of our mental health and how to protect ourselves from mental illnesses like anxiety, stress and depression and lead a healthy, normal life with our families.

Keeping the father’s mental health in mind “Maa Parents Support Group” have organized an online special discussion session for parents. Through this session fathers will be informed about different aspects of mental health development strategies and stress management techniques. To join this free session please fill the google form below .

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