Mental Well-being for fathers of special need individuals


Event information


2022-10-10 20:00:00


Online Zoom



Mental and physical health complement each other. If the body is sound health, then the mind also remains healthy. Despite knowing this, we all neglect our mental health. Mental health applies to everyone, from children to mothers and fathers. Everyone in the family should take care of their mental health. There is a stigma in society that fathers don’t have mental health and fathers have to work tirelessly to take care of their families. They may not think about taking care of their mental health while balancing family and work. So how to find time for yourself even in the midst of this busyness, how to take care of your mind, social and family pressure or what are the signs to understand that your mental health is being hindered was discussed in this special session named “Mental Well-being for fathers of special need individuals “

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